Radio Carrum

People & Stories. Karrum Karrum.

New Show!! Solar Sidekicks

Solar Sidekicks is the go-to podcast for all things solar, serving up essential insights with a friendly, down-to-earth vibe. Hosted by industry pro Pat Southwell, each episode unpacks the technicalities, tackles regulations, and tracks the latest trends.

Episode 1 introduces Matt Leeson, a standout figure in the solar industry known for his impactful work with Leeson Solar and Volt Solar Tile. Host, Pat Southwell, reconnects with Matt, an old school friend, to explore his journey from mechanic to a key figure in solar regulation and compliance. They delve into the evolution of solar technology, the importance of industry regulations, safety in installations, and training the next generation.

🎧 Episode 1 is streaming here: Solar Sidekicks

Author: radiocarrum

Radio Carrum is a Community Internet Radio station broadcasting from deep in the heart of the Karrum Karrum Swampland.

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